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Friday, September 24, 2010

Guide and Suggestion for people migrating with kids and family to sydney from worldwide.

After the overwhelming response from world over to my previous article Ten step guide for people migrating worldwide to Sydney, Australia. (http://rsaini77.blogspot.com/2010/09/informative-article-regarding-people.html),
i have been asked to write an article for people who are migrating with families to sydney.

So here I go with this article. First I will talk about the different type of child care facilities that are available in sydney. The basic child care/day care cost to send your child is around 80 dollors per day. There are some family day care centres as well, which cost around 55 dollors per day.  Child care is divided into three groups. Kid with age 0-2 years, 2-3 years and 3-5 years. The child care with 0-2 years is very hard to find and some have a waiting of nearly 6 months. It is best to fill out the forms when the child is born if you plan to send him/her to child care in 6 months time. 2-3 and 3-5 are available and it is best to start with one day per week and then gradually go upto five day per week, depending upon how the child is adjusting to the new centre. Nappies and food, milk etc are all covered in the fees as described above. Now about the fees, if the combined income of the family (husband and wife ) is more than 100K per annum, then you donn't get any daily rebate from the government, but you can still claim the child care rebate at the end of the financial year. Therefore for example if you pay at the rate of 80 dollors per day, then you pay 20800 in a year for the childcare, then you can claim 50% of this amount(capped at 7500 per annum). Therefore you pay the total of 13300 from your pocket per annum. In case the family(husband and wife) earns less than 100K per annum, then you get a rebate of approx 20 dollors per day in addition to the above.

Therefore annually you pay 60 * 5 days * 52 weeks = 15600 - 7500 = 8100 from your pocket.
Family day care center is like the child care center but it is run by the lady in the house and she cannot employ anyone else. Therefore a lady can get a permission to run a family day care and keep upto 5 children during the day. You get the same type of rebates as explained above.
Now let me explain about the kids who are above 5 years of age. Kids from 5 to 12 years go to primary school, which is from kindergarten to year 6. How goo dhte primary school will be depends on the area where you live. There are various websites which give ratings to the primary schools, therefore you can see the ratings of your local school to find out how good is the school. Now the interesting point is that the school is until 3:00 PM only, therefore if the couple is working until 6pm, then you have to find a school which has after school facility. One point to mention is that every school has an area allocated to it, such that it can take admit students from that particular locality only. Therefore it is quite possible that your house is allocated to one school and the house opposite to you is allocated to a different school. Therefore it is best to go to the website of the school and see if you are under its area or not. But having said that, no one is stopping you from applying at various other schools. The only point is that you should have a valid explanation in doing so, such as the school is near your area of work, it is on the way to work or some other explanation. Other than the govt. primary school, there are catholic schools and private schools. Catholic schools are strictly for catholic religion people and they are considered as good schools. Private schools are for people who have loads of money and don't have other places to spend money. Therefore they can send there children to private schools and then have regular kitty parties and parent get together with other rich people through rich social school networking. 
Now let us talk about kids from class 7 to class 12. There are various options available. You can go to your local area high school. Other option is that you can sit for selective school entrance test in year 6 and if you clear it, you can go to selective schools in sydney.

Now the concept of selective school is that some schools are marked as selective, which means that kids who are god gifted in intelligence can go to that school and can learn particular subjects or can learn along with other like minded intelligent kids.
How to inject intelligence into your kid or how to make him intelligent even if not god gifted, needs an article on its own.
I hope you will enjoy this article and if i missed something you can always email me at rsaini77@gmail.com or write a comment regarding this article.
Thanks for your time.
Happy Blogging.